Perhaps one of the strangest pictures in my collection is this one of Preston managers John Weaver, Pat Walsh, Larry Callahan, Bill Agnor, Dave Wolfgang and Dick Brenholtz. They did this hula in front of a graveyard at the Easton office in 1991. Why? Because our MIS group came up with 100 CTE's in less than 2 months. Our department got a cookout and party because of this. |
This is a picture of Bob Murphy with his face full of whipped cream. People were throwing nerf balls covered with whipped cream at him. Why?, because he loved white boards so much that he wanted to become one (just kidding Bob) This was part of a Preston Carnival Alisa organized to cheer everyone up because we were so miserable at having to leave the Easton office. Another exciting part of the carnival was buying pies to smash in the face of the manager of your choice. We raised a lot of money for charity and had a great time that day. |
I wonder if Curtis Payne ever thought that he might one day be working for Overnite on the day that he gave this "thumb down" gesture in front of one of their trucks. |